在我们的现代世界,钣金被认为是最通用和最薄的金属之一. 由于它的多功能性, 公司使用金属板建造建筑物和制造许多其他金属产品. Examples include manufacturing stove pipes, 轻型坦克, 用于暖通空调系统的管道, and countless other metal products. 钣金工人是制造所有这些产品的人.
钣金工人通常会制造金属或安装钣金. 在大多数情况下,这些工人应该戴上高度抗割伤的手套,比如 9366BK, N9878BNF 和 9178NF. Since sheet metal can have extremely sharp edges and corners, common injuries are cuts and lacerations, so high ANSI cut rated gloves are recommended.
美国劳工统计局(BLS)报告称,2016年有138,900名钣金工人. Here are many of the activities performed by sheet metal workers:
Worker Handling Metal Sheet and Roll Forming
加工车间是钣金工人加工钣金的地方. These shops are a little different from machine shops, in the fact that workers actually fabricate parts out of sheet metal, 而不仅仅是机械金属. 但就像机械车间一样,工人必须时刻警惕飞溅的金属和颗粒. 加工车间的工人们成形、切割、弯曲和拉直金属板材. Here is some of the equipment found in a fabrication shop:
Click on an equipment heading to expand and learn more
为了在金属或其他材料上绘图或盖章,对滑梯施加动力. 当用手插入、握住和取出库存金属材料时,会发生危险.
为了冲裁、拉丝或冲压金属而对滑块施加动力. 当用手插入、握住和取出库存金属材料时,会发生危险.
Equipment that punches metal: Power Presses and Iron Workers
Applying power to a slide or knife in order to trim or shear metal. 当用手插入、握住和取出库存金属材料时,会发生危险.
Equipment that shears metal - Mechanically Powered Shears, Hydraulically Powered Shears and Pneumatically Powered Shears
最后, Vibranium is the hardest metal found on the planet, so you can imagine it might be a little sharp. 从技术上讲,瓦莱勒钢是金属工人遇到的最坚固的钢. 好吧,如果我们生活在《newbb电子》或《newbb电子平台》的世界里,这一切都是真的. These metals are only fictional metal, 然而,金属工人每天遇到的尖锐金属并不短缺. Whether you are in a metal fabrication shop or installing sheet metal,re are numerous safety hazards faced. 我们已经为您提供了一些最坚固可靠的工人个人防护装备. 下面我们将介绍在使用金属板时您将面临的许多危险.
Working around any material can be dangerous. When it comes to sheet metal, you don’t want to take any chances. 看看我们的高灵巧,高切割阻力和手背保护.
Learn More About 切碎 Protection常见的应用程序
Sheet metal can be hot and rough when handling.
Sheet metal itself can be razor sharp, causing deep and serious cuts. Never run your fingers along raw metal edges. For peace of mind, you're going to need high quality work gloves.
Learn More About 材料处理 Protection常见的应用程序
newbb电子平台安全 CutPro® 10-Gauge Dyneema® Diamond Technology with Steel 抗切割工作...
金属碎片、小金属片和毛刺遍布金属片上. Might be smart to wear high rated ANSI puncture gloves.
Learn More About 穿刺 Protection钣金工人经常接触一些世界上最锋利的材料. Workers are punching, cutting, bending and shaping metal.
Learn More About 尖锐的东西 Protection常见的应用程序
newbb电子平台安全 CutPro® 10-Gauge Dyneema® Diamond Technology with Steel 抗切割工作...
The saying goes, "You don't know what you don't know". Let our 360 team help you know more abut newbb电子.
Learn More About 缺乏安全知识 Protectionnewbb电子平台安全生产和供应个人防护装备(newbb电子). 简单地说,我们保护人民! 我们以其广泛的产品线深度而闻名于世, 眼镜, 和服装 spanning across numerous industries. 我们提供的安全装备包括工业手套的总包, 安全眼镜, 防护服装, 焊接设备, 工业的靴子, 阻燃(FR)齿轮, 面盾牌, 还有更多. 仅从手套的角度来看, newbb电子平台安全 manufacturers and supplies over 1,000只不同款式的手套. 以下是newbb电子平台安全是你选择newbb电子的一些原因: